Jake’s parents rode the train all the way from MN to visit us here in Oregon during Thanksgiving break. We successfully avoided downtown Portland except for a visit to REI after we left the train station, and chose rather to enjoy each other’s company in the haven of wilderness…away from all the bus exhaust, concrete, flocks of people, and urban SUV traffic. Mom & Dad were anxious to explore the scenic Pacific Northwest—waking early every morning with hiking boots on, coffee mugs full, and camera ready for action. Our weather proved to test the warranty on their rain jackets, so they both spoiled themselves by buying new ones while they were here. We were also blessed with some lingering fall weather that provided superb nature viewing. Sherri and I hosted some of her family, along with my parents, for our second attempt at preparing a Thanksgiving dinner…we’re getting pretty good at it now, but only because our mothers were their to guide us with their expertise.