It was just Sherri & me together this year at the Hot Chocolate Race in downtown Minneapolis. It was a beautiful day, temps in the 50’s with a slight breeze, and a total of 458 runners- considerably more than last year. We both ran one of our best race times ever, despite the fact that our birthday candles are getting way out of control. Granted, the top 2 finishers averaged 5.5 min. mile paces, but for the rest of us living in the human realm trying to eek out a couple of visits to the gym after work each week, we feel pretty darn good about our finish times. Since I finished first in my age category last year, my entrance fee was FREE- Jackpot! For the first 3 miles of the race, I was busting my butt trying to keep up with another old timer pounding-out a steady 6 min. and 15 sec. mile pace. Feeling that next year’s free race ticket slip away from me, I was relieved to see him split at the 10K turn around heading back the other way. Yes- I was back in the game!