Over spring break, Sherri traveled to Washington D.C. with a group of students and teachers from Eugene, OR to explore the capitol and other historic landmarks. The leader of this expedition, Brad Bellingham, is a good friend of Sherri. Sherri was a student teacher in his classroom back when she was getting her teachers certificate. This trip has forever been on Sherri’s list of things to do before she dies…along with many other endeavors. She had a wonderful time, and wants to go back again sometime. She is already recruiting for her own guided tour. The subway made for easy travel to all the sites, and the weather was perfect, apart from all the pollen in the air. The only bummer about the trip was that Sherri got hit real bad with allergies. One day it was so bad, that during a moment of silence at the tomb of the unknown soldier- she let loose at least a half dozen sneezes to show her respect. She took a load of photos and was dead tired when she got back to Portland.