Friday, October 8, 2010

Fall Projects

This Fall I decided to jump into a couple of projects that have stretched both my cabinetry making skills as well as every muscle and tendon in my back! Sherri is developing quite a collection of books for her classroom, and has been in need of another bookshelf. Since Dad gave me his old router, I figured this would be the perfect job to christen my new power tool. After two weeks of racking my brain on dimensions and filling the garage with sawdust, I was finally able to put it together just before school started. It turned out great- custom fit and everything.

The next job I tackled is nowhere near as fun, but it sure is keeping me in shape these days. I'm basically digging all the rocks out of our yard so we can start fresh with actual dirt instead of a gravel pit for a lawn. I'm sure there's some kind of machine out there that can pull them out for me, but I'm too cheap. Besides, I feel like John Henry with my pickax in hand, and when I finish...we'll have the best darn soil in town. I'll also probably fall down and die just like the legend says, but it will be worth it!

The fourth set of rock piles that I've dug-up so far...whewww!