Sunday, October 14, 2012


We finally have something to show for all the back-breaking labor on the yard. Our sod order showed up just in time before the rain. Sherri and I busted our butts installing the new grass over the weekend and Walla- InstaYard.
Brick work around the perimeter.
Front yard sectioned-off for Mia to terrorize.
A modest, little garden in the sunny corner.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Latest Pet Pics

Sherri has taken the role of Cuddle Queen with all of our pets.
Mia decided to take over the Kittens' playhouse one day- Nice Beard!
Stage 1 of the kitty play tower- now they can finally climb something.
Barely enough space for everyone- heat conservation.
Our niece, Savannah, and Bilbo having fun playing together.
Evidence that our Co-ed Softball team actually one a game!
Mia trying to squeeze in on all of the fun.
Our first Columbia Gorge hike. Mia loved sniffing in the forest air.
Latourell Falls- beautiful as ever.